Rodney Howard Browne – Stephanie L. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Before I came to R.B.I. I did ministry with my family in Canada but I knew I needed the fire of God in my life every day to bring in the harvest.  I tried to go to other Bible schools but they were just either too flaky or there was no fruit.  But this school is my joy!  I can’t thank you enough. I would pay for it a thousand times!  I’m obviously crying right now…..I see the Fruit, the Word and the Fire and Passion of Christ.

In the first week God gave me a revelation of the cross.  He told me that I had no idea what He had done on the cross and the price that He had already paid for my sins, other people’s sins, healings, and miracles.  An overwhelming peace hit me and everything I tried to bring up, like hurts or fears, couldn’t stay.  Instead I felt this total heavy weight of peace.  At the same time I knew God wanted me on the phones so I left the service and went to the phone center.  I was only on the phones a short time but every person that I prayed for said they felt the peace of God come on them.  I was so amazed as I had said nothing to anyone about what had happened to me.

Back in the service that night Pastor Eric was preaching on facing our giants. Actually my giant had been the phones.  I had been afraid and felt inadequate, like I didn’t have enough fire.  God showed me that my problems were like a speck of dust. But he dealt with me in love and peace. The peace was so overwhelming.

In two weeks at Bible school I’ve gotten 34 people saved.  Before coming to Bible school I have only gotten about that many saved over my whole lifetime.  Glory to God!  It wasn’t like a fire, really it was like God was having me focus on what He was focused on; His people. It was like a drive to get souls saved.  I’m surprised at the boldness God is giving me.  Coming to R.B.I. is the best thing that has ever happened to me….Stephanie L.