God Moving

In an apartment a lady was laying on a hide a bed (crutch bed) I started with the script. Has anyone ever told you that God loves you? She stopped me and said” I once had Jesus and then I lost Him and then He gave me this horrible cancer that is killing me”. I said you believe two lies from the pits of hell. First of all Jesus promised never to leave you nor forsake you. So you still have him. Second of all Jesus can’t give you cancer because He doesn’t have any cancer. He can’t give you anything He doesn’t have. Cancer comes from devil. First were going to get rid of this cancer. We finished the script. I realized her faith was pressed down. I saw Mark Documento, I said “Mark come help me pray I need your faith”. I cursed the cancer and Mark agreed with me. Then I loosed the power of the Holy Ghost into her body to fill up the area where the cancer came out. Her complexion changed and her eyes became clear. Her face had sunk. Now ill wasn’t. I challenged her to get up and walk. She had been in bed for 3 months. She got up and walked.
Jean T.