Grace Testimony

Giving thanks always for all things unto god and the father in the name of our lord Jesus Christ for leading and directing my path to a wonderful Awesome Leader and Pastor who was predestined, carved out and qualified, equipped molded and ordained by the almighty Potter’s hand.  Pastor Rodney’s messages that he teaches comes straight out of the bowels of the Holy Ghost.  I have never been so entreated, amazed and enlightened by this anointed man of God.  I’ve searched the Isles of my faith.

Pastor Rodney’s message series has blessed me in my new spiritual walk with the lord.  Just when I found myself between walls of perdition, I had only one choice left; a decision that only the Holy Spirit could lead me to.  A decision that ultimately changed my perception of what it takes to live an overcoming life in Christ Jesus. Since I came under the leadership of my dear and beloved Pastor Rodney Howard Brown my whole life is changing from glory to glory.  The fire I was once had has been rekindled in a mighty way.

This fire has set my soul on fire for the things of God.  I was there at the right time in the right place seeking God for that one last chance to fulfill the perfect plan and will of God with my life in Christ Jesus. I am a member and a dedicated student of RBI. I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity.  It’s not easy but it’s worth every moment.  Pastor Rodney’s series has taught me that I can and should depend on God for everything.

The teachings have made me look deep within my soul and have aided me to realize the errors of my ways and how much God needed me in his army.  I am truly blessed by my pastor and this series has gotten me on fire for the lord.  I am constantly trying to be a witness and win souls for the lord.  I am also sowing the word into the hearts of the people that I come into contact with.  I feel that this man of God was sent for such a time as this and I am blessed to be under his leadership.  I am excited and look forward to other teachings from my pastor.


Michelle Testimony

Wow. The first quarter of internship has gone by so fast. I’ve learned so much during these past months and the Lord has definitely stretched me A LOT! It’s been GAT mode for the past couple of months. From summer camp meeting to New London, Brooksville, Ft Myers, Tallahassee, Mobile, and now Hurricane Mills. Whether there at the GATs or here in Tampa, the Lord has been teaching me new ways to improve in helping, serving, or just even sowing. To be able to serve in a GAT or be part of team that serves in a GAT is awesome. To see these people that have never gone out soul winning or have never been in a revival service, just to see them touched and change is a life changing experience and it just encourages me and builds me up in so many ways. I’ll never forget the first time I went out soul winning. I still remember my soul count for the day, 7!! It’s so awesome that now I can go out and teach other people what I learned two years ago. I can’t wait for what’s about to come these next few months. God is going to do some awesome things here in America!!


Davis Testimony

Wow- Next Level Youth Camp was a week to never forget. What God did in five short days was completely life changing, and there is no real way to put it into words. “Next Level” became a reality and was no longer just the title of a camp, but something tangible to step into.

Going into internship in the youth department has been incredible. I have loved getting to know the young people and building relationships, but camp took everything a step farther. God placed a burden in my heart for this generation and completely broke my heart for our students. Every day the devotion times were amazing- getting to hear from the students on a closer level and hearing what God was doing on a daily basis in their lives through the night services, devotion times and throughout each day.

As much as I thought this week would be about the students (and it was) God completely changed MY life also. He went where no man could go, and did such a deep work in my heart and life. Every night the services were like no other. As soon as I thought they couldn’t get any better, the following night would blow our minds. The presence of God was thicker than I can ever remember feeling before. I had never seen young people so hungry and expectant for an encounter with God. It was an encouragement to me to continue to stay hungry and thirsty for God and to never become satisfied or complacent in my relationship with Him, but to always be striving for more- for the Next Level!


Gerda Testimony

You mean more to me than this!!!

In the Bible we can read – (KJV) Deuteronomy 28:1 “And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe [and] to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: 2 And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.”

Mostly all know these scriptures second part -“all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee”, but there is condition, before this promise. You have to hearken the voice of the Lord and observe all His commandments. You have to be ready to follow His voice, wherever He’s leading you and do wherever He’s asking you.

In my Christian walk there were a lot of things that meant a lot to me, and God spoke to my heart to give them away – things like clothes, computers, telephone, jewelry, shoes, bags, money….

In the beginning it was difficult to give the best to somebody, but now I enjoy it. WHY????Because really it is not about giving these things to somebody, it is about …can God trust you and He is checking your heart.

There was one thing that I liked, and God spoke – to give it away. I struggle in my mind. Then I hear the sweet voice in my heart….Do you like it more than Me?  Are these things more precious to you than Me!!!????


Actually, God doesn’t need those things, but He is fighting about our heart….

Are you really detached from those things; are you really free. How free actually are you????

All my mindset is changed now, these things that meant so much to me before, now mean nothing to me, it is a good tool, but it can’t make me happy or fill me with satisfaction. And because it means nothing to me – God can give me it.

Does your heart really belong to HIM?????????

Rodney Howard Browne – Patrick Testimony

The heart is the place where the word should be received and be discerned by the Holy Spirit so that the word can take root when the enemy comes to steal which has been sown into you. If you do not study to show yourself approved unto God then the enemy can come in and steal it from you and it will become ineffective when the world’s problems descend upon you. You have to have the word of God rooted in you so that when the enemy comes against you, you can resist him. The faith of a mustard seed is all that is required in order for God to grow your faith until it becomes mighty and rooted in you. When it becomes a mighty tree with its roots strongly grounded and immovable and the storms of life blow against you, you can stand firm because of the foundation you have in the word of God. The harvest of souls is great so we must guard our heart with all diligence and meditate on the word of God day and night.

By adhering to these truths, I have found that my personal walk with the Lord has been strengthened and my ability to hear what the Holy Spirit has been prompting me to do has as well. I feel that I hear His voice stronger and that my boldness to be a witness for Him has increased greatly.  The provision for me and my family continues to amaze me as I sow into His ministry and believe God for all my needs. The storms of life and the winds of adversity have blown but I find that I can still come back to that place in Christ and be assured that the Lord has my back.


Rodney Howard Browne – Sharon Testimony

The word of God is truly powerful, sharper than any two edged sword   When your heart is open to hear the word, so you can do what the word says and be obedient, you will truly produce much fruit in your life. I can never get too much of the word and no matter how many times you may hear a particular passage of the Bible, it will always continue to produce fruit if you are open to hearing it again. I am so thankful for the word of truth being taught at the River. When we continue to allow the word to be sown in our hearts, we will keep our hearts pure toward God and man, and we will not allow the little foxes to come in and destroy us. We will know who we are in Christ, we will stand on the promises and continue in faith and have an intimate relationship with the Lord, because the more of the word you read or listen to with hunger, the more of the word you want. It really is health to your bones and food to your flesh. It is real spiritual medicine.  When I am discouraged, when I am happy, when I just want to learn, the word always satisfies.  I would be so lost and so miserable if I did not allow the word to come and be bread for my spirit. The word is there whenever a lie from the enemy comes and it is a mighty weapon against anything I face.


Rodney Howard Browne – Devotha M. Testimony

It is a miracle that I am here today at the Bible school; three months ago I was in Huntsville, Alabama. With God Grace I am here today. Since I got here my life has been radically changed. It is one this to read about believing God to provide for my life and it is another thing to have to live it. Three weeks ago I had to quit my job which provided security for me and my children and come to Bible school. I almost did not come because I was too worried about my kids and I though it was impossible for me to do it, but I can truly say it today with God nothing is impossible.

I obey my God and let go of my Job and I surrender my life and my children to God completely. The day I joined the school some people thought I have lost my mind but I did not care much what they think, I care what Lord my God think of me. One week after the Bible school started the Lord gave me a Job which was perfect for the school schedule and more than that He gave me a Job that is

Five dollars more than what I was getting paid an hour in my former Job. I am telling you I said five dollar more an hour Hallelujah, Glory to God. I know now without a doubt the God is my provider and He is always on time. One more thing I was very afraid to pray for people but now not only I cannot wait to see God move, everyone I have prayed within call center and Soul winning time for healing, they received instant healing.

Rodney Howard Browne – It gets better I work at night when I am at work I speak in Tongues all night and I as the Lord be real to me and I believe He is  real person of Jesus, He will feel me with His heavy presence my whole body receive shocks and I will feel Him holding my Hand like a Father leading a Child, I am having a blessing with the Lord in my whole life I knew the God of the Bible but now I know the one who comes to me all the time even during classes. God you are Good my Lord, you are too good to me, Thank you for RBI and thank you for Pastor Rodney and the whole Church Lord…..Devotha M.

Rodney Howard Browne – Stephanie L. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Before I came to R.B.I. I did ministry with my family in Canada but I knew I needed the fire of God in my life every day to bring in the harvest.  I tried to go to other Bible schools but they were just either too flaky or there was no fruit.  But this school is my joy!  I can’t thank you enough. I would pay for it a thousand times!  I’m obviously crying right now…..I see the Fruit, the Word and the Fire and Passion of Christ.

In the first week God gave me a revelation of the cross.  He told me that I had no idea what He had done on the cross and the price that He had already paid for my sins, other people’s sins, healings, and miracles.  An overwhelming peace hit me and everything I tried to bring up, like hurts or fears, couldn’t stay.  Instead I felt this total heavy weight of peace.  At the same time I knew God wanted me on the phones so I left the service and went to the phone center.  I was only on the phones a short time but every person that I prayed for said they felt the peace of God come on them.  I was so amazed as I had said nothing to anyone about what had happened to me.

Back in the service that night Pastor Eric was preaching on facing our giants. Actually my giant had been the phones.  I had been afraid and felt inadequate, like I didn’t have enough fire.  God showed me that my problems were like a speck of dust. But he dealt with me in love and peace. The peace was so overwhelming.

In two weeks at Bible school I’ve gotten 34 people saved.  Before coming to Bible school I have only gotten about that many saved over my whole lifetime.  Glory to God!  It wasn’t like a fire, really it was like God was having me focus on what He was focused on; His people. It was like a drive to get souls saved.  I’m surprised at the boldness God is giving me.  Coming to R.B.I. is the best thing that has ever happened to me….Stephanie L.

Rodney Howard Browne – Taisha M. Testimony

All I kept telling her was ‘’ Mom I don’t know how GOD is going to do what he’s going to do  but I know he’s going to do it, and he knows Janezzia has to start school. He knows what I need. I don’t have to worry. I’m doing what he tells me to do  and  I’m being obedient.’’ Well on my birthday SEPT. 2, 2011 which was on a Friday after school I was sitting in the sanctuary with my eyes closed talking with GOD. A little bit of worry began to come in so I was just asking him if there was something else he wanted me to do that I had not done I was starting to not understand some things.

Then I heard  pastor David say excuse me I opened my eyes looked at him said hello and he say’s’’ I would like to talk with you for a second, You know we heard that you had a need.  I just started crying. I felt that warm liquid pour all over me again. Like wow! I got blessed with the exact money I needed and Got an apt. 10 minutes from work and from church. All within two days from my move date. GOD rearranged everything else. Now to me the amazing thing is not that GOD gave me the money I needed. But I know without a shadow of a doubt that GOD”S WORD is true! JESUS is alive! I have developed a closer relationship with JESUS. Learning  how  to have an intimate one with him. My faith has been activated. I know that GOD really loves me. But I don’t fully understand how much. But I know I’m going to comprehend very soon I can feel it. Love really does conquer all.

Rodney Howard Browne – Lenora E. Testimony

These past three weeks have really changed my life all around.  I know that God is building me up like

building blocks  which I believe started in Mobile, AL and thus continues here but as I thought about the process of rebuilding something new It has to start with removing the old and building on a  new foundation. God is  tearing down the old and starting from the beginning with a more solid,  strong, unbreakable, unmovable, non-waivering foundation built on the word of God inside and out.  I know without a shadow of  a doubt that this is the process I’m going throught right now.  Once God is finished tearing down the old he will start building up the new.

During the first week and a half I for the very first time ever in my life received the spirit of Joy.  It was during the time  Pastor Todd Holmes ministered on the Holy Spirit and then he layed hands on everyone that day.  I the woman that’s very laid back, shy don’t like to cause a sceen, prefer to be in the background and  unseen;  I started laughing uncontrollably and loud.  I was so shocked but I didn’t care it was AWESOME.

The spirit of joy  has changed my pass, present and future because I was a victim of child molestation by family members and when I would think (pass)about that little 7 year old  girl, afraid, hurt, confused, not able to fight back, lonely, I felt worthless, I felt so ugly,sad, unable to express feelings of happiness, sadness or joy but since that day the spirit of joy came in I now can  look at that little girl staring in the mirror and I know longer see her crying but I see her laughing (present).  I see her becoming who God created her to be.  That God loves me and he has a wonderful plan for my life(present and future).

My life is not about me but it is All About HIM for I  put my life in the palm of the Masters Hands. Still a work in Progress.

Rodney Howard Browne | The outpouring of the Holy Spirit across America

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