Rodney Howard Browne- Sandra P. Testimony

What have I learned out of these Great Awakening nightly services?  Too much to express in a few words here.  The power of submission and authority under your Ministry of Helps, when you are at the point of exhaustion because you are thinking in your flesh, this ONE TRIBE Conference is awesome, but way too long.  The awesomeness of our partners, CTN, Direct TV, Dish network, Genesis 680, Overland Missions, to all get together and make this vision happen.

I apologize for being absent on Friday and Sunday from Main Event service but I still felt I was there because the morning service, I heard through the radio, and the evening service  I saw through tv.  I was even able to experience the Call Center on both sides of the spectrum, last Wednesday as an operator on first shift, and Friday late at night, as a sick sinner who called in on second shift because her throat decided to bother her.  However, I have no fear because I know that by the stripes of my LORD and SAVIOR J E S US !!!!! I am healed.-Sandra P.