Michelle Testimony

Wow. The first quarter of internship has gone by so fast. I’ve learned so much during these past months and the Lord has definitely stretched me A LOT! It’s been GAT mode for the past couple of months. From summer camp meeting to New London, Brooksville, Ft Myers, Tallahassee, Mobile, and now Hurricane Mills. Whether there at the GATs or here in Tampa, the Lord has been teaching me new ways to improve in helping, serving, or just even sowing. To be able to serve in a GAT or be part of team that serves in a GAT is awesome. To see these people that have never gone out soul winning or have never been in a revival service, just to see them touched and change is a life changing experience and it just encourages me and builds me up in so many ways. I’ll never forget the first time I went out soul winning. I still remember my soul count for the day, 7!! It’s so awesome that now I can go out and teach other people what I learned two years ago. I can’t wait for what’s about to come these next few months. God is going to do some awesome things here in America!!
