Matters of the Heart

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One of the hallmarks of teaching at The River at Tampa Bay Church and The River Bible Institute is the delivery of the Word in such a simple way that a baby Christian can grasp and apply what’s being said, and yet the more mature can hear it as if for the first time. Many things I have known and read in the Bible have become real to me, imparting faith in my heart and empowering me to live what I know and believe.

Never have I been in a church were there is such emphasis on the heart. I have learned that the most important thing I am to do as a Christian is to guard my heart. That means every day I do a heart check with the Holy Spirit like a diligent farmer checking for weeds. I tell the Holy Spirit, “Come, let us go together to inspect my heart. Shine your light and if you find anything that opposes you pull it up by the roots and cast it into the fire.” I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit, because without Him I would not be able to keep my heart. He is very kind and gracious and when I am tempted to be resentful, to judge others, or to take offense He gives me the desire and courage to put the temptations to death immediately. In the class, “Matter of the Heart” I have been validated in my desire for a pure heart, challenged to trust the Lord at all times for all things, humbled by the reality of my salvation, become more grounded in my identity in Christ, have a better understanding of the snare of religion, and I have a deeper and more meaningful desire to walk in the love of Jesus. Thanks to Rodney Howard Browne.