At Revival Ministries International there is the outline Dr. Rodney Howard Browne used when he taught about true worship from the heart. What I heard was that the Father is seeking something-or better said ‘someone’ who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. I want to paint the biggest baddest bullseye on my worship for Him. I want to be the Fathers target! If His affections are likened to a heat seeking missile then let my heart be a raging inferno times a million. Whenever a word is preached like this one it uncovers the counterfeit. I’m seeing everything I worship besides the I was surprised to find that often I am in love with a song and the Father gets no real worship from me although I call it worship. And I’ve been surprised to find that what I think is insignificant in my praises He totally receives and puts in an book of remembrances that He cherishes for eternity! (Mal 3:16) He is most pleased when I am just me and just real..when I appreciate Him. He is so dangerously out of the box and so Holy. It makes sense that I must come to Him in the Spirit. The Spirit knows the way.